Love, StarGirl

Love, Stargirl Quiz

Here is the test that Ms. Vandenburgh had me take. If you have read the book, give it a try!
“Love, Stargirl” by Jerry Spinelli


Multiple Choice

1)    What state does Stargirl move to with her family?

A)    Maryland

B)   Pennsylvania

C)   Minnesota

D)   Virginia

2)    What does Stargirl leave on fenceposts to help guide the mockingbird to Betty Lou?

A)    Lemons

B)   Limes

C)   Apples

D)   Oranges

3)    What is the first thing that Stargirl leaves for Charlie in the cemetery?

A)    A flower

B)   A card

C)   A donut

D)   A sandwich

4)    What famous movie is celebrated in Stargirl’s town?

A)    “The Blob

B)   “Nightmare on Elm Street”

C)   “Psycho”

D)   “The Birds”

5)    What does Perry’s group of girlfriends call themselves?

A)    Perry’s girls

B)   The butterflies

C)   The honeybees

D)   The flowers


6)    Steals food                                                                  Betty Lou

7)    Has one pink fingernail                                                Dootise

8)    Doesn’t leave her house                                             Perry

9)    Owns a donut shop                                                    Margie

10) Has to be the center of attention                                 Alvina

Short Answer:

11) Every Thursday, Stargirl faces west toward Arizona and sends Leo a question. What is that question?

12) What does Stargirl create in the middle of a field?

13) Who does Stargirl miss from Arizona, besides Leo?

14) What is Mr. Caraway’s new job?

15) Where does Stargirl talk to Perry for the first time?


16) Compare and contrast Perry and Leo. Who do you think is the better choice for her and why?

17) Has Stargirl changed in the second book? How? Is it a good change or bad change?

Making Connections:

As Archie has always said, “Star girls do not shed tears. They shed light.” There are many references to light in “Love, Stargirl”. The main one being her Winter Solstice party which is centered around a single ray of sunshine.

Listen to “The Sunshine Song” by Jason Mraz. On the back, explain which parts of the song describe the theme of “Love, Stargirl”, and why the song and book go together